
Flight of Fancy

As I mention below, I’m gathering my various blogs under one umbrella. I’d love for you to pop by and check it out…

And now for today’s poem…

We gather together

Under one umbrella…

Or is it a parasol?

My split blogging personality

Is setting up shop

In a new location…

Most of us anyway.

When it came time to choose

A background

I found a whimsical one.

What fun!.

It reminds me of

A Dr. Seuss village at night.

I had a little tussle with

My practical self

But whimsy won out.

Not all my personae

Have been invited to join

My new eclectically-interested family

But in time…

I’d love for you to join me on

My newest flight of fancy.

And if you share

Any of my interests

Feel free to approach me

About a guest blog spot.

I’d love to share the journey…

And the workload.

Thanks for making this

A stop on your flight.

Under the Circumstances

It may sound cliche.

It may sound self-righteous.

It may sound unbelievable.

But I remember the first time

I heard it.

Sitting in the audience.



Interesting perspective.

In response to the comment,

I’m doing fine…

Under the circumstances,

The man was asked

What he was doing…

Under the circumstances.

If we are followers of Jesus Christ,

We have already been raised with him.


In a real sense,

We are not under the circumstances.

Does that mean we don’t hurt?

Suffer loss?

Get disheartened?

Become confused?

Deal with doubt and dark times?

Absolutely not.

As a hurting child is

Gathered into her father’s arms,

God is there

To hold us close.

For believers,

Though life isn’t always easy,

We can rest


We need not dwell

Under the circumstances.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:1-2 NIV).

Types of Poems

The poems I’ve posted to date fall into one of the four following categories. I was asked to include a description of different poetic forms, so I thought I’d start with these.

blank verse – written in iambic pentameter that doesn’t rhyme; if you want a great explanation of iambic pentameter, check

cinquain – five lines, the first with two syllables, the second with four, the third with six, the fourth with eight, and the fifth with two (I wrote a reverse cinquain a few days ago – Wings Spread.)

free verse – doesn’t rhyme or have a regular meter

haiku – three lines, the first with five syllables, the second with seven, and the third with five

If you want to explore different poetic forms, check out


My thanks again to my friend Heather for today’s post…

From the embryo, man

The seed, flowers

Each genus, life

All brought forth

By His hand.

Elements may hinder

But stunt not development

His brilliance oversees

To purpose unfolds

His perfect plan.

Through him (Jesus) all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made (John 1:3 NIV).

Lost in a Melody

My dear friend Heather forwarded the following poem to me this morning. I just love it. I hope you enjoy it too.

Lost in a melody

Cares recede.

For a beautiful moment,

Soothing strings bathe

The collective consciousness

In a peaceful reverie,

Revealing what love

Can achieve.

My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music (Psalm 57:7 NIV).

ABCs of Flight


Beautiful clouds


Endless, fantastic glory

Happiness inspired

Joy kindly, lovingly manifest

No obstacles

Perfect quest




Unbelievable variety



Youthful zeal

I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes. Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings (Psalm 17:6-8 NIV)